Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's Getting Absurd...

This was the view from my car today. Today! It's days away from April and it snowed? And it was weird hail/snow­. Notice also how the windshield isn't clear; that's because the weight of the hail/snow broke the windshield wipers on the Infiniti. Yippee! I know I know it's record snow falls in Ontario and stuff but I don't care. I don't live in Ontario I live in Vancouver and this is just plain annoying. I want to be out there in the Miata driving around with the top down. Instead I'm going to be digging around the junk yard looking for parts to fix the windshield wipers on a car I'm trying to sell. (It's a great car by the way you should buy it.) Anyway I still don't believe people are causing global warming. Peace.

In other news; I recently noticed the Miata's battery is starting to loose it's charge. I sometimes sit in the car and pretend I'm driving it (don't judge) and when I would open the door the dome lights were kind of dim. I've had this old trickle charger lying around forever and I've never used it so I thought this would be a good time. I attached it and left it over night and when I came back in the morning the charger was super-duper hot and the Miata's battery was super-duper completely dead. Lesson learned: don't use old trickle chargers that you find lying around. So I attached jumper cables from the Infiniti to the Miata and idled the Infiniti for about 30 minutes. It seems to have put some charge back in the Miata's battery but there's a good chance I'$$ need a new one.

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