Saturday, January 5, 2008


Happy new year and Merry Christmas and all that. The Miata got a present from Santa this year, it's this car cover. As is often with gifts the size is wrong and it's way to big but it does keep the dust off and the Miata is nice and cozy. Just a few more months till all this cold weather nonsense is over and I can go back to creating more greenhouse gases so as to have less of this cold weather and more top down fun.


  1. I'm with you. Counting down the days until road salt & snow are a thing of the past.

    I got a replacement Wheelskins leather wheel cover for Christmas from my wife. (Cobalt blue & black.) It'll look sharp once it's installed. The stock wheel is looking ragged. Like my dog was using it for a chew toy.

  2. A wheel cover is a good idea. My one big gripe with my Miata is the Steering wheel. The rim is really thin and plasticy and since it's a US model I've got the Airbag "brick" in the centre (all other markets got a nice 3 spoke wheel w/o the airbag tho). I don't want to change the wheel because I believe that airbags do save lives and changing a steering wheel with an airbag is a really involved job. What makes it worse is my Infiniti has an awesome steering wheel that's thick and leather and the perfect size so every time I drive it I'm reminded how bad the Miata's is. A good wheel cover might be a great solution.

  3. I think the rim is a bit thin too. The wheel cover will look sharp and add a little thickness to it.

    Yeah me too. I hate the ugly airbag "brick" in the center as well. But I figure I'll hate it a lot less if I ever got in an accident and that brick saved my life. :-)
