Saturday, September 29, 2007


I fixed it. I found a new fan at the auto wrecker and using instructions from the web I took out the old fan and put the new one in. Here's a pic of the old fan. Those cars at the wrecker sure were destroyed. Best not to get into an accident in one of these.


  1. I tagged you in my blog. Now you have to do a post that doesn't have anything to do with cars.

  2. Sorry Evangela, this is a serious blog about cars and not me so I can post eight random facts about the Miata only.

    1. When you turn it on in the morning it shakes and rattles but only sometimes.

    2. It was built in march of 1990

    3. The previous owner was a girl

    4. It was originally sold in California and immigrated to Canada in 1995.

    5. The colour is called Mariner Blue

    6. It has about 240000km on the odometer

    7. If you go into a turn too fast it will terrifyingly spin out of control.

    8. There's no passenger airbag.

  3. Dudeman - my hundred dollar Honda Civic is overheating. You seem to have a passion for fixing overheating cars in general, and I know how you feel about Hondas in particular. You gonna help me out?
